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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post  Karkat Vantas Tue May 22, 2012 9:03 pm

Yes, we do need rules to the forum to make this a safe site because there is a high chance we will have younger users here. So please, make this easier for us and obey the rules.

1.) Cursing is allowed. But do not use it to offend any of the other roleplayers on the site.

2.) Please keep roleplay content at a PG-13 level when you are roleplaying in the forum. We do not want the website to get shut down for sexual content.

3.) If you offend any of the other users on the site or break any of the rules, we will ban you. Sorry, but if that happens we do not want you to end up offending any one else with what you say. (This is a very big issue with me.)

4.) When submitting your applications, there is a difference. If you are making an OC, your application is to be posted in the "Original Character Submissions" forum. If you are applying for a canon character, please send your application to an administrator.

5.) During roleplying, please be in character as you can, especially if you are a canon roleplayer. You got the role of that character for a reason, you should show off your skills.

6.) If you are typing something that takes place outside of Pesterchum, please write it as if you were writing a fictional novel. It makes the roleplays more detailed and more interesting for everyone else. If you are not used to roleplaying like that, trust me, you will get used to it.

7.) Do not roleplay for someone else. It is not your character to play. Only roleplay for your character.

Karkat Vantas

Posts : 10
Join date : 2012-05-22
Age : 28

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